Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sex after baby- my perspective vs. his. How much do people really do it??

I've been a bit MIA from Sister City lately and I miss you, my friends. With planning the big 1 year old birthday party for Miss A and balancing life, I've had a hard time gathering my thoughts into any cohesive post that someone might feel like reading when I have a moment to sit at the computer! Tonight the topic of sex as a new parent seemed appropriate since I seem to have a different perspective than my husband.

You see, I feel like we "do it" pretty regularly (well, compared to other married couples I guess, but not compared to our pre-baby life, naturally.) You see, it's hard to say really, because people always say they're "Getting it" or complain that they're not, without really putting any emphasis on the frequency and what it really means. Well, for us, currently it's at least once a week now and sometimes about 3 times a week but probably not any more than that. So yeh, comparing it to the 3 times a day that wasn't unusual in the beginning of our relationship, it's not much. But now after a few days, Big Daddy claims to forget the last time he got laid because it's been "so long". Take tonight for instance. I know it sounds ridiculous, but tonight was literally the first time we had a chance since last Wednesday. My parents were in town and getting busy in the office after the baby fell asleep in our room with the woman who gave birth to me down the hall wasn't exactly the biggest turn on. Not to mention my stomach bug and general lethargy from party planning and entertaining. He thought the last time we did it was a month ago. I really believe that he thought that.

So why is it that days without sex are like dog years for men? How can a woman who is utterly exhausted from the 24/7 job of childhood still desire sex with the same enthusiasm as she did prior to becoming a Mom? Is it possible? And am I a stingy bitch of a wife for only putting out once or twice a week?

1 comment:

  1. Girlfiend, I thik this is ALL men. If i don't put out for my man for like two days he says "Oh my god - we never do it anymore. It's been like FOREVER." and I have to say "Honey, it was two days ago." Sex is definitely thought of in dog years by men. LOL One day without sex for us girls is one day without sex. One day for a man? It must be 7!
