Tuesday, February 3, 2009

My rant time.... nap time!?

Okay, I am really pissed off about something. How can someone get so pissed off planning a 1 year olds birthday party? Can someone please tell me if this is normal?

SO my husband has these "friends" who basically mooched off of him for years. This couple has 2 daughters, 1 1/2 and 2 1/2 years old. We have been to each of their birthday parties; we even brought baby A when she was 5 months old to one of them. The Mom works so the kids go to daycare every day - all day long- and she told me that she gets home, feeds and bathes them and puts them to bed at 6:30. Dad doesn't even get home from work until at least 8 pm. So you think they would want to spend some quality time with their kids on the weekend? Maybe at a beautiful waterfront park celebrating another little girls birthday party?

NOOOOO, this was the response on the evite. "The girls nap at that time. Maybe (the dad) will stop by." Mind you the party is from 2-5. What, they sleep for 3 hours and then you put them to bed immediately again at 6:30? What gives with that bedtime anyway when you never see your kids? I guess they need to be rested to get back in the car to head to daycare at 7am the next morning.

These are the same kids that she doesn't let go to the beach or pool between 10:30 and 4 because of the sun possibly burning them. Ever hear of sunscreen, psycho? We finally met them once to go to the pool and yeh, the pool was heated but it was freezing when we got out! That cannot be better for them than seeing the light of day.

I really didn't like this woman when I met her because we have nothing in common. At all. I tried though. I am done now. This woman is a neurotic mess!

All I want to say is: "You know how you hated being such a dork in school? Let me tell you why..... and you're grooming your kids to be exactly the same."


  1. Ok so she's not grooming them to be dorks, she's grooming them to be lazy, neurotic hot messes that will someday annoy the hell out of Miss A if you don't kick them to the curb already. News flash - A LOT of life happens between the hours of 2 and 5. Just think of all the things they will miss! LOL SOme people are just NUTS.
