Sunday, January 4, 2009

About Eva - Down in Dixie

I am in a similar situation as my fellow "sister" Jennifer - married with a precious new baby. However, the journey for Eva getting to this stage in life has been vastly different... I have never been one to take the traditional route. As my father always said, "I'll take the road less traveled". In my case that meant that I would never follow the path that anyone in my judgemental family has ever wanted me take. Screw the naysayers, I say. I've always had an urge to happily blaze my own trail - for me it was always about the experiences, regardless of the outcome.

After "Mayberry", I moved South of the Dixie line searching for warmer weather and nicer guys, and never looking back. So I find it ironic that my sweet and sexy hubby is from the Windy City - Midwestern guys are so much nicer than their Southern counterparts. I'm what you would call a "serial monogamous dater" - my past is filled with strings of long relationships, with each slightly overlapping the previous, in my quest for true love and the white picket fence deal. Aww. Yep, you guessed it, I'm the hopeless romantic that always thought that each relationship might be "The One". I still gush at fairy-tale romantic comedies, always believing that you should not settle for any guy that is not the love of your life. Unless, that love turns out to be a controlling psycho, a momma's boy, a spineless slacker, an insecure tool, or a noncommital jerk. Nevertheless, I tirelessly sifted my way through those murky, algae-filled waters until I found him...

Although my life now is definitely NOT a Hollywood movie (the white fence looks more like some sparsely placed bushes bought on sale at Home Depot), I have to say that I am finally blessed with the things in life that I truly wanted and that matter most to me; love, family, and true friends. ... Oh, but I could write juicy books about some of the roads to get here. ;)

In this blog, I will write about my vast experiences from the rewarding yet tiring life as a new mommy while trying to be a sexy wife, to my difficult pregancy and miscarriage, to the road to our "shotgun" wedding, to my various relationships that includes an ex-husband, a previous Big Fat Greek Wedding, and life as "the other woman". And I can't forget about all the fabulous fun I had in between.

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