Monday, January 5, 2009

Victoria's Embarrassing Moment at School Today...

So my sisters, even after 11 years of teaching, I have this continuing problem. It "really" does annoy me. I have tenure and nothing but impeccable observations, so when do I have to stop proving myself?

Almost every new person I meet say's, "OMG, the boys in your class must be in love with you and they are probably going home at night and ???? EEEWWWW! I'm continually saying, "NO, I'm very strict and professional, my students respect me, my long hair is pinned up and I don't look like this that at school.. blah blah blah!" My administrators and friends know this about me but there is this one nosey teacher.......

Naively she doesn't think her inquiries to my colleagues get back to me? Her most recent comment, "Victoria's students must hit on her so much?" forced me to change my nice stylish outfit one morning to a more conservative teacher look. Those tall leather boots with that medium length skirt looked so cute but I thought, NO, it will just give 45 year old negative Jan something to talk about. How much fun did I have that day after telling two people why I changed my shoes; they both contacted me by second period with a laugh. One called my room and said, “did you see Jan's outfit today, she's wearing tall black boots WITH A MINI SKIRT?” This was a male friend that said this to me; I laughed so hard and said, “that slut! The boys must hit on her!!" My male friend tries to make me feel better by telling me how jealous she is that nobody hits on her anymore. LOL He’s so funny and one of my best buds at school, so lucky to have him to vent to.

Finally, so what happened embarrassing today? Most popular senior boy in school, so he believes. He's one of those confident jocks who pulls up his sleeves in the hall and say's, "check out these guns!" while pointing to his puny muscles. Hee Hee Guess what he said to me in class? "So Miss Victoria, what are you doing on the 16th of January?" Meanwhile, guess who walked in my room behind me and heard that? I was so embarrassed and didn't know what to say so I quickly said, "I'm busy!" Yikes!!! It turns out when I reprimanded him later, he was just going to suggest that I watch a TV show that was on that night! lol Why me??? Should I confidently keep ignoring Mrs. Jan and killing her with my sweet smile and kindness or confront her? I can only figure it's competition because I do get frequent compliments on my outfits and admittedly she looks just as nice. She's married and lives in a house overlooking the lake. Why is she so curious about me?

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