Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A life more organized ~jennifer

Yikes! I've been running around like the proverbial chicken with her head cut off; each day, just aimlessly accomplishing (or not accomplishing) tasks and feeling little sense of completion. Well, my friends, the thousands I spent on my business coach back in the career days are not a complete waste because I pulled out the old dry erase board, listed my priorities in life using the "5 spheres" and have it right in the open to see. My goal is to complete 1 thing in each sphere each day. Today I have reached this goal, even though it is 4:20pm and I haven't showered yet.

The spheres are Spiritual, Family, Business(which is my home), Personal, Financial.

I'm praying in the morning again, which always helps the day go by a bit better. And I'm feeling pretty good, although a bit stinky because I DID make it to the gym (check for the Personal sphere.) If baby girl wasn't napping on the couch, I'd go scrub up.

Tata for now!

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